Friday, January 6, 2012

Empowered to Connect

Feeling connected  to God, self and others is important. To thrive we must be connected to God and allow Him to grow us daily. Once our hearts are connected to Him then we are in a place of being able to healthily connect to others. Maintaining a healthy and thriving connection to God is hard and takes being do connections with others.

It's hard sometimes to make effort to be connected, it means being compassionate, tender, vulnerable and open. I've struggled with being vulnerable and open with others and sadly being tender and compassionate towards myself and others.

Joyfully, God is at work in my life and promises to stay at work until he is done and he has completed His His adopted child I sometimes struggle with memories of pain, loss and abandonment. I remember what my heart was like before I was adopted and sometimes I find myself going back to my old ways and unhealthy habits of detachment and withdrawal, especially when life circumstances are challenging. In my flesh, sometimes I think it is easier to disconnect and stop allowing God to work in my heart and in the hearts of my family. Thankfully, I come from a long line of strong women that do not take the words "no" or "can't" very well. I have seen generations of determination, and I am very grateful. Even better, through adoption, my Heavenly Father is the inventor of determination, hope and healthy connection. He is the life-long joy giver and specializes in the impossible...and the seemingly-impossible connections!!

If you are looking for a way to improve the connections within your family, start with the source, your Heavenly Father. He is the one that created connections and deeply desires to establish a close and healthy connection to you and for you to have the same with those closest to you. Empowered to Connect Conference is coming here to Dallas in February. Even better, if you register before January 15th it is $35 a person and $50 for a couple.

Visit and explore the site Empowered to Connect, to learn more about healthy connections and how connection to God can allow you to be empowered to connect with others!

If you need more information or well formulated thoughts for presenting to your church leadership check out:
Letter to Church Ministry Leaders 
(be sure to notice the dates and locations)

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