Brian & I went to the recent Empowered to Connect Conference held at Irving Bible Church. It was our first time to hear Dr. Karen Purvis speak. We were greatly encouraged by the speakers and by a few surprises that God had planned for us.
We went to a local fast food place on the lunch break. I was excited by what we were learning and kind of tired too. We sat down at the only open seats and waited for our food. There was an older man sitting alone eating at the table next to us. I knew God was speaking to me to talk to the man, I didn't want to. I tried to relax and eat, but couldn't ignore the pull in my heart.
God is pretty persistent and reluctantly, I commented to the man on how yummy the food was or something like that. Over the next forty minutes or so I listened to how God has moved in this man's life. I was blessed in this reminder of how God makes beauty from ashes and hope where there was only shame. It was time for him to get back to work and we quickly prayed together.
It was His power that we were able to connect. A blessing. But God wasn't done yet.
There were a few other people that God put in our path over the next two days. Videos of parents speaking who had journeyed much like we had from hopeless to hope-filled. Speakers that understood what it was like to come from a hard place and to love children that also come from hard places. The Show Hope banners that served as stage backdrop, reminded me of why we were show hope.
There have been some big challenges and lonely valleys in growing an adoption & orphan care ministry. There have also been some difficult and painful places in this mountain climb of an international adoptive journey over the past seven months.
We have not been alone and until God says stop, we will keep moving. Grateful for the experiences and wisdom shared to help us be empowered to connect. Humbled by His divine appointments and surprise blessings in the reminders to keep moving and to show hope.